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Descriptive statistics for defoliation trees





A defol object after running defoliate_trees().


A data frame containing tree/series-level statistics.


If series-end-events are present, they are omitted from calculations of total event years and mean duration.


#> # A tibble: 17 × 7
#>    series first  last years n_events tot_years mean_duration
#>    <fct>  <dbl> <dbl> <int>    <int>     <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1 DMJ01   1810  1996   187        4        40            13
#>  2 DMJ02   1750  1996   247        6        66            13
#>  3 DMJ03   1830  1996   167        4        32            11
#>  4 DMJ04   1720  1996   277        8        82            12
#>  5 DMJ06   1700  1996   297        6        70            14
#>  6 DMJ07   1710  1996   287        7        86            14
#>  7 DMJ11   1900  1997    98        2        10            10
#>  8 DMJ14   1675  1996   322        9       104            13
#>  9 DMJ15   1730  1996   267        4        64            16
#> 10 DMJ16   1746  1996   251        7        78            13
#> 11 DMJ17   1733  1996   264        6        75            15
#> 12 DMJ22   1720  1996   277        5        47            12
#> 13 DMJ23   1675  1997   323        8        87            12
#> 14 DMJ24   1895  1996   102        3        19            10
#> 15 DMJ25   1680  1996   317        5        70            14
#> 16 DMJ26   1700  1996   297        6        69            14
#> 17 DMJ27   1710  1996   287        3        26            13